Our Executive Committee.....
Our Executive Committee
For The Years 2017-18 and 2018-19
Patron Most Rev. Thomas D’Souza (Archbishop of Kolkata) Spiritual Advisors Rev. Sebastian Nallail, SJ (Till Aug 2017) Rev. Benny Thomas, SJ (From August 2017)
President Mr. Ouseph Varghese Vice President(s) Mr. Kuriakose Baby Mr. Rajan Mathew Secretary Mrs. Lyla Cherian Assistant Secretary Mr. Benny Varghese Treasurer Mr. Tomy Isac Committee Members Mrs. Thresiamma Joseph
Mr. Yohannan P.C.
Mr. Jaison, P.V.
Mr. M.D. Paulose
Mr. P.P Sebastian
Mr. Thomas Joseph
Internal Auditor Mr. Joseph John